Archive | October, 2015


19 Oct
Ken and Charo 2015

Ken and Charo 2015

Anyone who knows me knows my great admiration and affection for the wildly-talented performer Charo (who gave me my first on-camera interview which essentially got me into the career I’m in now for which I am eternally grateful!).  Charo is known to many as that “Cuchi-Cuchi” gal but also as one of the top classical/flamenco guitarists in the world…#2 to be exact. Many feel she would be #1 but as she says, “My hands are very small and I cannot compete with a man that has huge hands, so I’ll be very happy as a female being #2.” Though when you think about it, that would still make her the #1 female classical guitarist in the world. In any case, Charo is always #1 in my book….which is why today I was THRILLED to read that Charo has a new reality show coming out on Televisa USA titled, “Charo in Charge” (not to be confused with our ill-fated sitcom of the 90’s…more below)!!! Who better than Charo to share with the world the whammo-socko combo of hilarious antics mixed with thrilling, beautiful music? I’m sure Charo and family (including husband Kjell and son Shel, plus sister Carmensita -who is also her stylist and costume-designer- and metal-guitarist nephew Marco among others) will bring some much needed entertainment to the sometimes dreary world of reality TV.

Ken, Charo & her husband Kjell

Also thrilling to me is the title of the show, “Charo in Charge”. Way back in school I had to write a parody script for a class and I chose to do a screwball political spin-off of “Charles in Charge” starring Charo called…”Charo in Charge”! It was pretty insane…you see, it took place in the political world of the 90’s where Bush, Sr’s. and his dopey VP, Quayle, accidently made a big mess in the White House, so he calls a housekeeping service and who shows up but a housekeeper named Charo (along with her best friend Willie…as in Aames).

Willie Aames in

Willie Aames in “Charles in Charge”

Well, hilarity ensues, naturally. It’s strangely too complicated to get into here (scenes like where, after a crazy series of events, all the living ex-President’s are left playing “Twister” in just their underwear while the their wives are all blotto at the Betty Ford Center and Charo accidentally lets visiting Japanese ambassadors come in and they take pictures of the “Home of the Whopper” boxered-presidents in twisted positions…and Charo has to get the film back…well, it’s just the wackiest thing that really does not translate on the page…or maybe on-screen.)

Ken with Charo in Branson, MO in 2007

Ken with Charo in 2007

In any case, on one of our many interviews I joked with Charo about our ill-fated 90’s (or was it 80’s) TV show “Charo in Charge” and now I’m muy emocionado that it’s finally going to be a “reality”…so to speak (see the short clip below from the 2007 “That’s Kentertainment!: A Christmas Charol” episode). PRE-CONGRATULATIONS to Charo and family on what should prove to be a fun, exciting and musically-motivating new TV series!!!

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